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Profitable and Flexible CNC Manufacturing In the Energy industry

Automating the CNC manufacturing of parts for energy industry makes production profitable and flexible at the same time. It enables high spindle hours and resource utilization, fast and reliable lead times, constant quality, full traceability and automated production planning for flexibility even when facing sudden changes. Want to know how? Download our CNC automation guide from below!

Fastems is the leading supplier of CNC automation solutions for batch manufacturing. We’re an open-integrator with over 40 years and 4000 systems worth of experience – lot’s of it from the energy industry. We integrate your CNC machines and supportive processes to one highly productive unit operated with our industry-leading MMS control.

Get your free CNC automation guide

The ‘What’, ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of Automation

Take a look on the typical applications, the production challenges, automation benefits and the best practices around automation below to understand the relevance of automation for the energy industry.

CNC automation applications include parts for:

  • Oil & gas (e.g. valves or pumps)​
  • Off-shore equipment (e.g . On-deck machinery)​
  • Diesel engines (e.g engine blocks and heads)​
  • Wind turbines (e.g. gears)​
  • Electric motor and generators (e.g. chasings)

Check our energy industry case stories

Production Challenges and Automation Benefits:

  • More customization and amount of variants​
  • Shorter lead times and planning horizon​
  • Costs & tied capital reduction​
  • Demand variance​
  • Traceability needs​
  • Availability of workers​
  • Constant quality

See How Automation Helps With The Challenges

Automate Production – Not Just Movement

Learn how to get the most out of your CNC machines and other equipment in energy industry. Apply batch production automation best practices summarized below:

  1. Stabilize and integrate manufacturing process steps
  2. Automate physical part transfers throughout the value chain
  3. Benefit from automated, intelligent production planning software

Read the full story here or get our guide!


Solution Finder

Here you can browse and filter our CNC automation solutions suitable for the energy industry. You can filter our solutions based on the machine tool process type; quantity of machines; typical batch size,  and whether or not pallet automation is needed. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, you can also contact us directly and consult our professionals – as an open integrator we are able to automate almost any machine tool!

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Contact our professionals!


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Next steps? Download the Guide for CNC Automation!

If you are under consideration on how to reduce cost per unit, cut down setup costs, increase unmanned production or reduce WIP or inventory, this guide is the one to download.


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Acting VP Region Americas, Head of Services, USA

Tyrone Brown


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