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Agile Manufacturing Cell

Fastems Agile Manufacturing Cell - robotic automation

What is AMC?

Flexible Batch Manufacturing

In the past the benefits of flexible manufacturing have been challenging to realize on machines that don’t use a pallet such as turning machines. This has been because:

  • Control software features were under-developed
  • Automatic set-up changing technologies were not widely available
  • Set-up changes, including robot cell re-programming, have taken too much time

Fastems Agile Manufacturing Cell (AMC) is a robot-based manufacturing cell that brings the traditional benefits of flexible manufacturing for direct machine tending. In practice it consists of:

  • Fastems control software MMS
  • Machine tool(s) and other processes such as measuring or marking
  • Automatic set-up change technology for machine tools and robot
  • Suitable material storage solution for needed unmanned time with limited investment on fixtures

Why AMC?

Automation for flexible batch sizes

Easy introduction of new work pieces

Transparency through automatic production scheduling

Industry’s most advanced production planning and execution software comes with ergonomic and intuitive user interface.


Manufacturing Management Software

AMC comes with industry’s finest production planning and execution software, MMS. It is capable of scheduling flexible batch production. This is based on combining handling orders and resources (tools, nc-programs, set-ups, materials) with the hardware control – all in one software.

Keep your manufacturing productivity up with technical support, spare parts, service agreements, maintenance, training and more.

Need Support?

Services for AMC

  • 8760 support
  • Service agreements
  • Maintenance
  • Spare parts
  • Upgrades
  • Relocation
  • Training & Consultation
Service offering

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Acting VP Region Americas, Head of Services, USA

Tyrone Brown


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