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Sustainability at Fastems

We believe the future belongs to those who can produce more with less

Fastems’ purpose is to build sustainable, strong and competitive manufacturing with our automation solutions and services. This calls for balance of outcomes between peopleplanet and profits, also known as the ‘triple bottom line’. For us, sustainability is about a healthy planet, flourishing people, high business integrity and manufacturing competitivity, as illustrated below.

Sustainability concerns both our own operations (footprint) and the impact of our solutions (handprint). This page explains our sustainability strategy and elaborates on our carbon footprint. Look here, for the sustainability impact of automation and how automation can help with sustainability reporting (CSRD).

Our Approach on Sustainability

Healthy Planet

Automation builds ecological sustainability by increasing resource and energy efficiency, decreasing the amount of waste and floorspace usage and enabling just-in-time production of just-the-right-quantity of parts.

Fastems strives for environmentally neutral operations and is committed to CO2 emission reductions in accordance with Science-based-targets initiative (SBTi). Our solutions are designed to last for decades and are largely recyclable after decommissioning

Flourishing People

Automation makes manufacturing jobs more engaging, meaningful and safe. This improves individual lives but also helps manufacturing companies with their workforce challenges.

Fastems’ culture is about empowerment, personal growth, inclusion and safety. We constantly track employee engagement, with an aim for improvement.

Business Integrity

Intelligent automation supports transparent production reporting that can also extend to value-chain level visibility and in include sustainability metrics. Automation enables high quality and standardized processes.

Fastems’ code-of-conduct, quality system and culture are built on good governance and high respect for laws, contracts, business partners and human rights. We also commit to high safety standards, including cyber security.

Robotic Finishing Cell by Fastems at Wärtsilä

Competitive Manufacturing

Increasing efficiency and productivity through automation is the only way to make high-mix manufacturing competitive anywhere in the world – especially in locations where costs are high and labor is difficult to find. Competitive manufacturing sectors also build healthy national economies.

Fastems strives for premium customer value and quality in our products and services. This way we can create a positive business cycle, serving the manufacturing industries even better in the future.

We’re working on reducing our footprint

Fastems’ carbon footprint means the CO2 equivalent amount of emissions that are associated with our own operations. For our direct emissions and emissions from purchased energy (GHG Protocol Scopes 1-2), the biggest share comes from electricity and heat consumption making nearly two-thirds of scope 1-2 emissions.

In 2023 our scope 1-2 emissions were 849 tCO2. We have also calculated our GHG scope 3 emissions from the categories of 1-6, where the biggest emission categories are purchased goods and services (cat. 1), transportation and distribution (cat. 4), and business travel (cat 6). Our total scope 3 cat 1-6 emissions in 2023 were 16 131 tCO2.

Similar the science-based-targets initiative (SBTi), Fastems is working to reduce it’s emissions by 50% by 2030 in GHG scope 1-2. The target can be achieved through improved energy efficiency, use of renewable electricity and district heat, use of electric vehicles and use of biofuels. In scope 3 we are looking to reduce our emissions in business travel, transportation and purchases. Fastems is also evaluating and researching opportunities in the circular economy.

We strive for high integrity and good governance

Fastems has an ISO 9001 certified quality system. Our cyber security is very high and we are in the process of getting the related ISO 27001 certificate in 2024. Furthermore, Fastems’ Management System integrates the essential requirements of ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 31000 and ISO 15288 to our operations. We also constantly practice 5S approach in developing cleanliness and orderliness in production and offices.  

Fastems has a code of conduct that is being regularly updated. The code of conduct expects, among other things, high business integrity, information protection level and respect for human rights and agreements. Our supplier code of conduct forbids, among other things, the violation of human rights, the use of child labor, and any discrimination.

Fastems has an active lead culture that focuses on individual empowerment and inclusion. The engagement of personnel is tracked on a bi-weekly level with result analysis on monthly internal info sessions. Fastems has a whistleblowing system for internal use. We strive to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all of our employees: any near misses or possible incidents are tracked and our employees are trained on safety regularly.

Fastems sustainability development is guided by a sustainability program, lead by our CEO. Targets and activities are derived from the strategy. Progress on these targets is reviewed regularly in Fastems sustainability steering group.

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