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We’re pleased to announce that Fastems has officially been ISO 9001:2015 certified on the 2nd of February 2022. The certification expresses our dedication to high and constant quality – for the benefit of our customers and people. Achieving this milestone was made possible by our organizational culture, the development of Fastems’ Quality Management System and the Quality Manual guiding its implementation.

Quality Management at Fastems

The Fastems Group Quality Manual, called “The Way We Rock – Our Beat “, describes our Quality Management System (QMS) and is compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard structure. The QMS itself includes our process structures, the actual processes and practical instructions. The goal of our QMS is to increase efficiency and predictability that lead to customer satisfaction. In Fastems’ complex and technical business, the only way to achieve these goals is to define and standardize the essential customer-value creating operations and agree on how they are being performed – together.

Quality is essentially a product of culture

Fastems culture and manners are described in our culture book “The Way We Rock” available here. For us, culture and quality go hand in hand. For this reason, we have named Fastems QMS “The Way We Rock – Our Beat”. A song can have only one beat that synchronizes everyone’s doings. Fastems’ culture book describes the music we are playing together and QMS defines the beat, i.e. the structure of what to do and how.

Many miles behind – and a long journey a head

Pekka Lammassaari – VP of Project Management

The journey of striving towards higher quality at Fastems is as long as the company’s 40+ year history in industrial automation. “More senior people within Fastems might remember us being ISO-quality certified already in the past and they have it right – the latest accreditation is actually an update to the 2015 version of the standard. This being said, we won’t stop here but keep constantly optimizing and improving our operations.  We believe that just like in mathematics, in business things aren’t perfect and ready until they are made simple. We’re on a good track but there’s still plenty of room for improvements” concludes Pekka Lammassaari, VP of Project Management at Fastems.