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Fastems, a leading provider of factory automation systems, will introduce the latest release of its software for automated palette handling for the metal cutting industry during EMO, MMS Version 6. Fastems will be exhibiting in hall 25, stand B60.

Progressive Solutions

Fastems’ Manufacturing Management Software (MMS) is one of the most progressive solutions for automatic production processing, complete with planning, controlling, visualization and monitoring capablities. Based on a manufacturer’s current order and all required or available resources, the software plans the production straight from an ERP system. Not only does MMS administrate all NC programs needed for the production processes, but also all the tool data. It also monitors tool life and prompts the operator for new tooling if required. If an unforeseen situation should arise that was not included in the production plan — for example a particularly urgent order, MMS will, if prompted, automatically rearrange the plan in real time, taking into account the changed production process priorities.

Critical Benefits

The new MMS Version 6, offers critical benefits to users – both on the shop floor and at the management level. The user interface is now based on HTML 5 technologies. As HTML 5 supports various hardware platforms and operating systems, the new interface creates the key prerequisites for the smooth transformation production processes as defined by Industry 4.0. As a browser-based solution, it makes it possible to access current production information from anywhere in the world via secure Internet connections. Given this scenario, the use of smartphones and tablet PCs also enables users to plan and access the system no matter where they are located. Moreover, the solution makes it possible to monitor live production data on any electronic device with Internet access.

Customer-driven Improvements

The updates to Version 6 were based on a series of suggestions and feedback from customers, in conjunction with the evolution of the product by Fastems’ engineers. Some of the customer-driven improvements include utilities for advance production order planning long before they are in queue for machining. Another new feature is the simulation of the anticipated capacity utilization level in an automatic production process, along with the related order-dependent production schedule. Hence, MMS Version 6 does not only provide more concise insights into the ongoing production processes, but also enables users to plan future manufacturing runs much more precisely. To make this possible, MMS Version 6 contains an entirely new set of software tools that allow users to verify the future production resource requirements. For example the availability of materials, tools, and the upcoming capacity requirements of the machines, can all be assessed before the execution of pending orders is initiated. To further complement the solution, the expanded MMS planning tool provides the user with an optimized overview of the current production process, its progression through the system, and the completion of orders by the deadline date.

Manufacturers that are already working with one of the earlier versions of MMS as well as those who are planning in stages to automate their production processes, are making an investment into the future by acquiring the new MMS Version 6. Fastems has been developing the concepts for its automation solution software architecture in house for more than 30 years. Its solutions are constantly optimized and further developed to accommodate the rapid movement towards factory digitization.