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September 12, 2018

Fastems People

Fastems People – Like a Family

Combining studies and work isn’t always the easiest route to take. Johanna Lauterbach started looking for a part-time job when her university studies decreased to three days a week. She wanted to make use of her free days and gain work experience from her field. At the time, Fastems was looking for a full-time purchaser and Johanna decided to get in contact with the recruiting manager and ask if there was a possibility for a part-time position – she now works as a Purchasing Assistant and supports the German purchasing team alongside her industrial engineering studies.

“I work 2 days a week and study full-time. My work is quite flexible and that suites my lifestyle well. Especially when I have exams coming I don’t usually work at all. I inform my superiors in advance about when my exam weeks are, and I can take time off from work. It’s not always easy to combine studies and work, but if I need more time for university I can always ask.”

When Johanna started working at Fastems last December, a relaxed atmosphere was something she didn’t know to expect. An open culture and possibility to ask whenever she needs help is something she really values.

“My first impression of fastemsians was that people are nice and everybody here is on a first name basis. I can just go and ask anybody if I have a problem, which is really nice. Especially, as this is my first job and I don’t have a lot of previous experience it’s good that you can always go and ask for help. It’s a bit like a family.”


Fastems is like a family. Our unique company culture ensures efficient communication and an open atmosphere.


Asking questions is also good for learning, Johanna explains. In her work, she likes that she has a chance to grow and take responsibility for her own work.

“I mainly support the purchasing team with some minor purchase orders and order confirmations, in addition to talking to suppliers about delivery dates. Now I will also get my own little purchasing department.

The best thing is that I get to meet different people and it never gets boring. Even when you do talk with the same people, it’s still always about something new and interesting. I mainly work with the fastemsians in Germany, but sometimes I see people from other countries around the world when they visit our offices.”

The international aspect of Fastems was a bonus for Johanna, even though she didn’t consciously look for anything in international field.

“I had an exchange in New Zealand in high school and afterwards I started studying in a very international university in Germany, which I really enjoy. I wasn’t consciously looking for a job in international environment, but I am really happy that Fastems is an international company.”

Her future plans consist of completing her bachelor’s studies and her motto is something that fits that plan as well.

“My motto is ‘dreams don’t work unless you do’ – if you work hard you can do basically anything.”