Cutting Tool Webinar: Error-Free Operation with Tool and NC Program Data Management
OnlineNew live webinar series by Fastems and TDM Systems:
Digital tool management gives a productivity boost to automated machining
Cutting tool management that extends beyond the production planning on the shop floor is an essential success factor for flexible and highly productive machining. Knowing which tool you need, where and when – and managing all of this with minimum effort – is the theme of three live webinars hosted by Fastems and TDM Systems in January and February 2023. The webinar series presents how closely integrated systems enable a seamless tool and production data exchange, and empower automated CNC machining:
- Optimized processes & more efficient operations
- Less machine downtime
- Shorter set-up & lead times
- Cost & time savings
- Higher transparency
The LIVE webinars will demonstrate how the cutting tool solutions by TDM Systems and Fastems work together for a seamless, digital cutting tool organization both in the planning and manufacturing level, and how this boosts the shop floor productivity. Participants will have an opportunity ask questions in the live Q&A in the end of each webinar. To provide a suitable timing and language for as many manufacturers as possible, each webinar will be run in two languages and in various time zones. Register in the full webinar series here!
2nd Webinar:
“First Time Right in Cutting Tool & NC Program Planning Guarantees Error-Free and Highly Productive Machining“
The second webinar on January 31st, 2023 will showcase how to boost production efficiency by simplifying and accelerating the new workpiece and cutting tool introduction.
The uniform TDM tool database includes all the tool information regarding NC programming, warehouse management, assembly and presetting. When the tool data is transferred to Fastems CNC automation, it can schedule the use of every tool in different machines. This way (1) the data system and operator always have the latest NC and tool data available, (2) sister tools are faster and easier to build, and (3) the whole production can develop further based on the machining experiences from each tool and job.
Learn in under 60 minutes…
- How to increase productivity in your production with uniform and standardized tool data (i.e. cutter 4711 is always cutter 4711).
- How a uniform data flow and corresponding software modules support you efficiently in your planning and production process.
- How to increase your process reliability by better tool data and planning.
- How to simplify your tool requirement determination for NC jobs (the tools on the machine are identical to the information in the NC program).
- How you gain more transparency over your entire tool stock and always know the service life of each tool.
- How to optimize the utilization of your resources and realize high reproducibility thanks to tool data management.
Ready to join?
Register in the webinar on January 31, 2023 for free:
Register: 8.30 CET in English Register: 10.00 CET in German Register: 10 AM EST in English
1st Live Webinar 17th January 2023
“Increase Your Manufacturing Efficiency with Digital Cutting Tool Data Management + Flexible CNC Automation“
English: 8.30 CET |
German: 10.00 CET |
English: 10 AM EST (16.00 CET) |
Missed the webinar? Recording>> |
Missed the webinar? Recording>> |
Missed the webinar? Recording>> |
2nd Live Webinar: 31st January 2023
“First Time Right in Cutting Tool & NC Program Planning Ensuring Error-Free and Highly Productive CNC Machining”
English: 8.30 CET |
German: 10.00 CET |
English: 10 AM EST (16.00 CET) |
Register now | Register now | Register now |
3rd Live Webinar: 14th February 2023
“Fully Automated Transfers of Cutting Tools Enable High Machine Tool Utilization“
English: 8.30 CET |
German: 10.00 CET |
English: 10 AM EST (16.00 CET) |
Register now | Register now | Register now |
The Experts
Robert Auer
Director of Global Business Development
TDM Systems GmbH
Robert Auer has worked at TDM Systems since 2016 where he started as Director of Sales Asia Pacific/Global Partner Sales and was appointed Director of Global Business Development three years later. His focus lays in securing and expanding new markets around the world, particularly the American market. He comes from the field of process automation, cutting tool management and tool lifecycle management, and prior to that he was employed as Head of Sales and Marketing at EffCom AG. Robert Auer also brought with him a wealth of expertise in sales, key accounts and marketing, not to mention international experience, from his earlier role at Zoller Inc. (USA), Zoller GmbH and QUIAGEN.
Volker Schwegler
Solution Architect
Volker Schwegler works as a solution architect at Fastems, designing optimal automation systems for our customers with CNC metal-cutting processes. Mr. Schwegler has been working in the digital CNC production environment for more than 25 years and he has an extensive experience also in cutting tool focused business. Throughout his career as a software and interface designer and developer, project and product manager, and consultant in engineering at various companies, including 10 years at Fastems, he has acquired the relevant know-how for software solutions in manufacturing. He uses this experience to increase the profitably of Fastems customers by helping them utilize digital and automated manufacturing technologies.
TDM Systems
TDM Systems GmbH is the leading developer of software for tool data management, ranging from comprehensive solutions for data and graphics management, the provision of specific tool data for NC programming, the organization of tool logistics (circulation, inventories), through support for tool assembly and presetting, to tool provision at the machine and tool procurement.
A special feature of the TDM software is its high integration capability in existing system landscapes of metal-cutting production as a decisive basis for a complete tool lifecycle management.
As a CNC automation company with 40 years of experience and over 5,000 delivered systems, Fastems offers the most comprehensive and powerful solutions for planning, executing, and monitoring automated metal-cutting production. One of the particular strengths of Fastems is their production control software MMS (Manufacturing Management Software) that includes central, order-based tool management features for automated production, including adaptive, in-advance tool scheduling and real-time tool service life monitoring.