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Don’t let your software get out of date!

Is your Manufacturing management Software (MMS) up to date with the latest versions and features you need?


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Why updating your MMS is important

Fastems MMS is the intelligence of your automation system – Software Maintenance keeps it up to date at all times.


Just like any other software, MMS benefits significantly from regular updates ensuring system usability and security. With MMS Software Maintenance and upgrades included in the service the newest control system features are always available to you, and in addition provides error fixes improving system performance and stability.

Fastems publishes at least one major MMS release per year. Based on preferences and schedule, the customer can select what releases shall be implemented to their automation system.

Improved system performance and productivity

Access to new MMS versions including new, advanced functionalities, usability improvement, and under-the -hood improvements including:

  • Error fixes and compatibility updates
  • Improved security against cybersecurity threats
  • Extended system lifetime – regular updating helps avoid end-of-life situation with software key components

With these implementations, you can be assured about your systems’ enhanced productivity and capabilities to run smoothly all the time.


Long-term cost advantage

Invest now (with a discount!) and enjoy the returns on investments through better reliability and system stability! Continuous software maintenance helps prevent production stops and protect productions from cyber security threats, as well as ensure secured capability for customized changes and system extensions without a heavy one-off upgrade or modernization project. Extend your system lifetime – regular updating helps avoid end-of-life situation with software key components!

Software Maintenance Packages

(including access and 1 annual remote installation of latest fastems Manufacturing management Software release throughout the contract period)



FPC with Standard Software options

  • 1 machine tool: $4000/year
  • 2 machine tools: $5000/ year
  • 3 machine tools: $6000/ year

FPC with Advanced Software options

  • 1 machine tool: $6000/year
  • 2 machine tools: $7000/ year
  • 3 machine tools: $8000/ year

FPC with Ultimate Software options

  • 1 machine tool: $8000/year
  • 2 machine tools: $9000/ year
  • 3 machine tools: $10000/ year

*Package prices only applicable for systems that are fully based on standard MMS (Vanilla). In case on any customizations have been implemented, the update of the customized software is offered and invoiced separately. Package includes 1 remote installation of released new version of MMS so working, secure remote connection to the system is required, in case on-site installation is needed / requested that will be offered separately, Any hardware needed to secure compatibility to new software version will be offered separately.

Talk or mail directly with us!

Acting VP Region Americas, Head of Services, USA

Tyrone Brown


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